Crate midasio

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A Rust library for reading binary MIDAS files.

Midasio provides utilities to iterate over the MIDAS events in a file, iterate over the data banks in a MIDAS event, and extract the raw data from the banks.

§Quick Start

To get you started quickly, the easiest and highest-level way to read a binary MIDAS file is from a &[u8]. Parsing and iterating over the contents of a file is as simple as:

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let contents = std::fs::read("example.mid")?;
    let file_view = midasio::FileView::try_from(&contents[..])?;

    for event_view in file_view {
        // Do something with each event in the file.
        for bank_view in event_view {
            // Do something with each data bank in the event.


§Feature flags

  • rayon: Implement rayon’s IntoParallelIterator for FileView. This feature makes parallel analysis of MIDAS events very easy with the FileView::par_iter and FileView::into_par_iter methods.

